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Pedro Nahoum

Pedro Nahoum

Botonica POP Ltd, Brazil


Pedro Nahoum has 46 years old and grew up on a farm, growing native plants since his early age. Studied botany at USP and became a Bachelor of Ecology at UFRJ. Is a Biodiversity Management specialist by the National School of Tropical Botany – IBAMA / MMA. Since 1989, when started his own plant germplasm bank, has been working on conservation and genetic improvement of native species, focusing on Neotropical families and CAM metabolism species. Has been working for over 25 years in the segment of conservation, cultivation, propagation and genetic improvement of native plants, mainly in the families’ Bromeliaceae and Cactaceae, especially at the genera Ananas (Pineapples) and Cereus (Mandacarus). Is one of the authors of the `National Strategy for Cactaceae Conservation´, published in 2011 by the Brazilian Ministry of Environment (MMA), and the main author of the chapter `The use of Plant Genetic Resources in Landscaping`, in the book `Plant Genetic Resources - The basis of sustainable agriculture in Brazil` (UFV, 2015). Pedro Nahoum is the founder and the CEO of the Botanica Pop Ltd., a company established in the year 2000 that is specialized in conservation and use through innovative breeding and propagation of CAM metabolism plants. 


Abstract : Impacts on biosphere of plant cultivation by the genus Homo: from before the fire domestication to the genomics applied to industrial agriculture