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Nikita Gavrilovich Solomonov

Nikita Gavrilovich Solomonov

Institute for Biological Problem of Cryolithozone , Russia

Title: Yakutia as the territory of the crane most diversity in the northern part of Asia-Pacific region


Biography: Nikita Gavrilovich Solomonov


Asia-Pacific region occupies the great part of northeastern Eurasia and North America. Two crane species, Whooping crane Grus americana and Sandhill crane G. canadensis, inhabit North America including USA, Canada and Mexico. 7 cranes, Common crane species: G. grus, Sandhill crane, Hooded crane G. monarcha,  White-naped crane G. vipio, Siberian crane G. leucogeranus, Red-crowned crane Grus japonensis, Demoiselle cranes Anthropoides virgo inhabit Russia. Republic Sakha (Yakutia) territory includes 6 crane species, 4 nesting (Common, Hooded, Siberian and Sandhill cranes), and 2 vagrant species. Demoiselle crane appears regularly in the Middle Lena River, Vilui River and Upper Yana River Valleys. The first appearance of White-naped crane was reported in 2014, when a pair of birds was registered in Upper Yana River Valley in 2014. Case of vagrant Brolga Antigone rubicunda was described in 90-s XIX century by the Moscow State University Museum data. The bird was killed in 80-s near Yakutsk city (Central Yakutia). But the information was no confirmed for the whole XX and early XI centuries and later this species was excluded from Yakutia ornithological fauna list due to a possible error in the labeling.  Nevertheless, Republic Sakha (Yakutia), situated in the north-eastern part of Siberia and is the largest subject of Russia Federation, occupying more than 18% of Russia (3.1 million of km2), is the territory of the crane most diversity in the northern part of Asia-Pacific region.