Vladimirtseva M.V
Title: The role of Protected Areas in wildlife conservation of Repubic Sakha (Yakutia)
Biography: Vladimirtseva M.V
The system of Protected Areas/ PA in the northeastern Yakutia began its formation from the end of 60-70-s of the XX century. Resource reserves Ygynnya in Upper Yana River basin, Chaigurgino in Lower Kolyma River area and Jirkogo in the Middle Kolyma area. The Stolb Island in the Lena River Delta and the Sites Pokhodskaya Edoma and Rogovatka in Lower Kolyma area as well as Berelekh Mammoth Cemetery in Lower Indigirka basin were confirmed as Nature Memories. The greatest at that times Reserve of Russia, Ust-Lensky State Nature Reserve, 12, 133 ha, was established in 1985. The PA different types intensification occurred in the middle 90-s of the XX century in northeastern Yakutia. During the order by Yakutia President Michail E. Nikolaev realization, more than 20 PÐs including Nature Parks, Resource Reserves and Nature Memorials were established and function from 2014 in Yakutia. In 1990-2000-s, the largest Resource Reserves: Lena Delta, Terpei Tumus, Kytalyk, Kolyma Koren and Bear’s Islands were arranged to protect endangered animal species. The analytical review of literature, found and own data let to evaluate PA role in the northeastern region in Yakutia in biodiversity of vertebrate fauna conservation. Own to protection regime of Ust-Lensky Reserve, the stabilization if marketable fish, birds and mammals population numbers are appeared in the last 35 years. The special importance of PAs had for the conservation, number restoration and range expansions of endangered bird and mammal species along the all near-Arctic Yakutia territory (Siberian crane Grus leucogeranus, Brent goose Branta bernicla, Ross’s gull Rhodostethia rosea, Spectacled Somateria fischeri and Steller’s Polysticta stelleri eiders, Peregrine falcon Falco peregrinus, Gyrfalcon Falco rusticolus, Black-capped marmot Marmota camtschatica, Polar bear Ursus maritimus).