Sahoo S
Tata Institute of Social Sciences
Title: Climate change: Agrobiodiversity and adaptation strategies for agriculture
Biography: Sahoo S
Agro-biodiversity, a relatively less researched upon study consists a really good scope when it comes to the mitigation of climate change- which stands inevitable in today’s scenario. This paper tries to look into the depth of agriculture, keeping along with some real life case studies. The new ideas that are inculcated in this paper under agro-biodiversity, as the major themes are the use of biotechnology, method of green ploughing along with other types of soil structuring and field planning in accordance to different seasons. Also, we look into the productivity during the fallow period of the soil. Climate change has bought environmentalists, scientists, geologists and even the common people a lot to discuss, debate, question and answer. The damage done cannot be undone yet, being prepared for future is the requirement of the hour. The major idea veiling the theme is sustainable development, without which any idea will fail; hence, this paper puts forth different methods which are a mash of traditional and modern methods and helps make this climate healthier, so that we can face the danger of climate change without any worries. The methodology included field visits, sample study, interviews of farmers and studying research papers on the topic. Findings included impacts of climate change on soil, aeration and irrigation and the plight of the farmers which will be elucidated in the paper. My observations unveil majorly sustainable development and the pros and cons of using new techniques which are scientific yet traditional, so that the steps to mitigate climate change are revolutionary