Jean-Didié Memel
UFR/SN, Ivory Coast
Title: Breeding of two species of giant African snails, Achatina achatina Linnaeus 1758 and Archachatina ventricosa Gould 1850: Temperature, rainfall and relative humidity required for each stage of growth and development
Biography: Jean-Didié Memel
The studies took place in the Banco National Park (Abidjan, Ivory Coast) and aimed to search for weather conditions (temperature, rainfall and relative humidity) required for each stage of growth and development of two species of giant African snails: Achatina achatina and Archachatina ventricosa. In order to achieve growth and development, stages of specimens encountered in the samples were identified during different seasons of the year (corresponding to particular climatic conditions). It appears from this study that spats (new-borned) of Achatina achatina are absent in the environment throughout the year. This could be explained by the fact that individuals of this age require for their growth, very specific conditions of temperature, rainfall and relative humidity. This is not the case of Archachatina ventricosa to which weather prevailing in the forest seems to favor their growth, since the spat stage to the juvenile age. Juveniles of species Achatina achatina and Archachatina ventricosa seem fond of climatic conditions during the rainy season (specially the small rainy season) and the short dry season. However, adult individuals of the two species do not seem to accommodate climatic conditions throughout the year in the forest